日本が「ペルリー」提督の下田入港を機とし、広く世界と国交を結ぶに至りしより約百年。この間、日本は国歩艱難(こくほかんなん 《注》国の歩みが困難で苦労すること)を極め、自ら慾せざるに拘(かかわ)らず、日清、日露、第一次欧州大戦、満州事変、支那事変を経て、不幸貴国と干戈(かんか)を交ふるに至れり。(《注》戦う事)
これを以って日本を目するに、或(あるい)は好戦国民を以ってし、或は黄禍を以って讒誣し(ざんぶ 《注》中傷すること)、或は以て軍閥の専断となす。思はざるの甚(はなはだ)きものと言はざるべからず。(《注》考えが足りないこと)
貴下は真珠湾の不意打ちを以って、対日戦争唯一宣伝資料となすといえども、日本をしてその自滅より免(まぬが)るるため、この挙に出づる外なき窮境(きゅうきょう 《注》窮地のこと)に迄追い詰めたる諸種の情勢は、貴下の最もよく熟知しある所と思考す。
畏くも日本天皇は、皇祖皇宗建国の大詔に明(あきらか)なる如く、養正(正義)、重暉(明智)、積慶(仁慈)を三綱(さんこう 《注》人道の大本となる道)とする、八紘一宇の文字により表現せらるる皇謨(こうぼ 《注》天子の計画)に基き、地球上のあらゆる人類はその分に従い、その郷土において、その生を享有せしめ、以って恒久的世界平和の確立を唯一念願とせらるるに外ならず。これ、かつては
四方の海 皆はらからと思ふ世に
我等日本人は各階級あり各種の職業に従事すといえども、畢竟(ひっきょう 《注》つまるところ)その職業を通じ、この皇謨、即ち天業を翼賛(よくさん 《注》力添えをすること)せんとするに外ならず。
我等軍人また干戈を以て、天業恢弘(てんぎょうかいこう 《注》恢弘とは押し広めること)を奉承するに外ならず。
我等今、物量をたのめる貴下空軍の爆撃及艦砲射撃の下、外形的には退嬰(たいえい 《注》しりぞき守ること)の己むなきに至れるも、精神的にはいよいよ豊富にして、心地ますます明朗を覚え、歓喜を禁ずる能(あた)はざるものあり。
今ここに、卿等(けいら 《注》大臣たち ルーズベルトとチャーチルを指す)の精神的貧弱を憐(あわれ)み、以下一言以って、少く誨(おし)える所あらんとす。
卿等のなす所を以て見れば、白人殊(こと)にアングロ・サクソンを以て世界の利益を壟断(ろうだん 《注》独占すること)せんとし、有色人種を以って、その野望の前に奴隷化せんとするに外ならず。
これが為、奸策(かんさく 《注》悪がしこいクワダテのこと)を以て有色人種を瞞着(まんちゃく 《注》だますこと)し、いわゆる悪意の善政を以って、彼等を喪心(そうしん 《注》本心を失うこと)無力化せしめんとす。 近世に至り、日本が卿等の野望に抗し、有色人種、ことに東洋民族をして、卿等の束縛より解放せんと試みるや、卿等は毫も(ごうも 《注》全く無いこと)日本の真意を理解せんと努むることなく、ひたすら卿等の為の有害なる存在となし、かつての友邦を目するに仇敵野蛮人を以ってし、公々然として日本人種の絶滅を呼号するに至る。これあに神意に叶うものならんや。
今ヒットラー総統の行動の是非を云為(うんい 《注》人の言行をいちいち非難すること)するを慎むも、彼の第二次欧州大戦開戦の原因が第一次大戦終結に際し、その開戦の責任の一切を敗戦国独逸(ドイツ)に帰し、その正当なる存在を極度に圧迫せんとしたる卿等先輩の処置に対する反発に外ならざりしを観過せざるを要す。
Rear Admiral R. Ichimaru of the Japanese Navy sends this note to Roosevelt.
I have one word to give you upon the termination of this battle.
Approximately a century has elapsed since Nippon, after Commodore Perry’s entry to Shimoda, became widely affiliated with the countries of the world. During this period of intercourse Nippon has met with many national crises as well as the undesired Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, the World War, the Manchurian Incident, and the China Incident. Nippon is now, unfortunately, in a state of open conflict with your country.
Judging Nippon from just this side of the screen you may slander our nation as a yellow peril, or a blood thirsty nation or maybe a protoplasm of military clique.
Though you may use the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour as your primary material for propaganda, I believe you, of all persons, know best that you left Nippon no other method in order to save herself from self-destruction.
His Imperial Highness, as clearly shown in the “Rescript of the Founder of the Empire” “Yosei” (Justice), “Choki” (Sagacity) and “Sekkei” (Benevolence), contained in the above three fold doctrine, rules in the realization of “Hakko-ichiu” (the universe under His Sacred Rule) in His Gracious mind.
The realization of which means the habitation of their respective fatherlands under their own customs and traditions, thus insuring the everlasting peace of the world.
Emperor Meiji’s “The four seas of the world that are united in brotherhood will know no high waves nor wind” (composed during the Russo-Japanese War) won the appraisal of your uncle, Theodore Roosevelt as you yourself know.
We, the Nippon-jin, though may follow all lines of trade, it is through our each walk of life that we support the Imperial doctrine.
We, the soldiers of the Imperial Fighting Force take up arms to further the above stated “doctrine”. Though we, at the time, are externally taken by your air raids and shelling backed by your material superiority, spiritually we are burning with delight and enjoying the peace of mind.
This peacefulness of mind, the common universal stigma of the Nippon-jin, burning with fervour in the upholding of the Imperial Doctrine may be impossible for you and Churchill to understand.
I hereupon pitying your spiritual feebleness pen a word or two.
Judging from your actions, white races especially you Anglo-Saxons at the sacrifice of the coloured races are monopolizing the fruits of the world.
In order to attain this end, countless machinations were used to cajole the yellow races, and to finally deprive them of any strength.
Nippon in retaliation to your imperialism tried to free the oriental nations from your punitive bonds, only to be faced by your dogged opposition. You now consider your once friendly Nippon a harmful existence to your luscious plan, a bunch of barbarians that must be exterminated.
The completion of this Greater East Asia War will bring about the birth of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Area, this in turn will in the near future result in the everlasting peace of the world, if, of course, is not hampered upon by your unending imperialism.
Why is it that you, an already flourishing nation, nip in bud the movement for the freedom of the suppressed nations of the East.
It is no other than to return to the East that which belongs to the East.
It is beyond our contemplation when we try to understand your stinted narrowness. The existence of the East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere does not in anyway encroach upon your safety as a nation, on the contrary, will sit as a pillar of world peace ensuring the happiness of the world. His Imperial Majesty’s true aim is no other than the attainment of this everlasting peace.
Studying the condition of the never ending racial struggle resulting from mutual misunderstanding of the European countries, it is not difficult to feel the need of the everlasting universal peace.
Present Hitler’s crusade of “His Fatherland” is brought about by no other than the stupidity of holding only Germany, the loser of the World War, solely responsible for the 1914-1918 calamity and the deprivation of Germany’s re-establishment.
It is beyond my imagination of how you can slander Hitler’s program and at the same time cooperate with Stalin’s “Soviet Russia” which has as its principle aim the “socialization” of the World at large.
If only the brute force decides the ruler of the world, fighting will everlastingly be repeated, and never will the world know peace nor happiness.
Upon the attainment of your barbaric world monopoly never forget to retain in your mind the failure of your predecessor President Wilson at his heights.